Improved METRC Integration
1/4/2024 2:46:46 AM +00:00
Important Update: Improved METRC Integration and Fixes in Marijuana Software
Date: January 3, 2024
We updated our METRC sales reporting system today. This makes it easier to match your Marijuana Software sales with METRC records. Now, when you change a sale that's already in METRC, the METRC receipt will update too.
Noticed Issues & Solutions:
- Duplicate Sales: Some of you saw double sales in METRC. We've fixed this. To correct past sales, use the METRC Sales Reconciliation tool to check yesterday's sales.
- Caregiver Sales Upload Issue: There was a problem uploading sales from caregivers. It's fixed now. To fix affected sales, go to the 'upload sales to METRC' page, click the order number, edit the sale, and hit 'Close Sale'. Then you can upload it to METRC.
If you have questions, call us at (971) 276 - 3371.
The Marijuana Software Team
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